December 24, 2010

Merry Merry Christmas

Just wanted to take a moment to tell my sweet blogging friends MERRY CHRISTMAS…..and share a few special moments made with my girls these past few weeks. Life around here has been far too hectic leaving me with little time to play and create. I was able to make time for a fun weekend with my girls……We made CHRISTMAS COOKIES……

Katie Baking 1 Katie was so excited and couldn’t wait to get started….We took a few shortcuts, using “ready to roll” gingerbread cookie dough. After all, it’s the cutting out and decorating that really counts…right..???
Katie Baking 2Katie Baking 5 
I put the dough into a mixing bowl so it would feel more homemade..LOL…!!!  
Katie Baking 6 In serious thought, she carefully rolled out the cookie dough
Katie Baking 7 Katie Baking 11 Katie Baking 14
Ta Da……the FIRST COOKIE….a cute little gingerbread house…..and a Happy Doxie…:)  We HAD to make one for Pearl Girl..!!!

Katie Baking 10 Katie Baking 15
Katie Baking 13 Katie Baking 16

Katie Baking 17 Katie Baking 18 Katie Baking 20 Katie Baking 19

Katie Baking 21 Katie Baking 23

Katie Cooking 1 Katie Cooking 3

Katie Cooking 4

Merry Christmas Everyone….!!!!

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